Most Popular SQL Server

–Index B-Tree Analysis, Part 3

/************************************************************************************ This script explores row compressed non-clustered indexes and the use case when the Primary Key and Clustered Index are not the same (with options) at the page level. Most likely, the page ids used here will change in your database configuration and setup—mine rarely used same page ids even with repetitive usage. However, the […]

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IN vs. OR: Which performs better?

The title describes what I started up to do, but as usual, I like to experiment with queries to see if I can beat the optimizer for an acceptable query plan. Initially I thought the OR clause described below would be the best solution, but with a little experimentation, I found the order of columns […]

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SQL Server on Linux – Jump Start 5: SSIS on Linux

In this presentation, you’ll learn how to install and run SQL Server® Integration Services (SSIS) on SQL Server® 2017 for Linux®. First, you’ll hear about some of the features and limitations of SSIS on Linux. Then you’ll learn how to develop and run SSIS packages on SQL Server for Linux using SQL Server Data Tools […]

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A Layman’s Guide to Climbing the SQL Server Index B-tree (Part 2)

Read Part 1 Read Part 3 This is a continuation of Climbing the SQL Server Index B-tree. In Part 1, we dove down into the SQL Server® pages for a Clustered Index in the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table in the AdventrueWorks2012 database. In this paper, we will look at the data pages of the same table/database for unique-nonclustered […]

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A Layman’s Guide to Climbing the SQL Server Index B-tree (Part 1)

Read Part 2 Read Part 3 The term “geek” applies to me because I am always wondering/tinkering with things that I don’t readily understand. Recently, I’ve become intrigued with “what’s under the covers” with SQL Server Indexes. Part 1 of this paper will dive down and look at the important items on each data page […]

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SQL Server Clustered Index Btree Traversal

–Brought to you as a script! Enjoy –� 2017 | ByrdNest Consulting –Index B-Tree Analysis /************************************************************************************ This script explores clustered, unique-nonclustered, and nonclustered indexes at the page level. Most likely the page ids used here will change in your database configuration and setup — mine rarely used same page ids even with repetitive usage. However, […]

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A Tidbit on SQL Server Indexing

Over last 18 months, I’ve given several SQL Saturday (and a PASS Virtual DBA) presentations on indexes.  These presentations have evolved and I find it hard to complete the material I want to address in 60 minutes. But the more I dive into the material, the more I am learning. Several times I have been […]

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Why DPA Uses SQL Server Trace Flag 2861 and Zero Cost Plans

About zero cost plans in SQL Server OK, first thing first, what is a “zero cost plan” in SQL Server?  I did some digging around and found the following links, which I would encourage you to read before continuing with this post: If you’ve done this background reading, you should now be aware […]

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Collecting and Alerting on Deadlocks for SQL Server

SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer can collect a count of the number of deadlocks to be displayed as a resource graph. For Ignite versions prior to 8.2, you can update two files in order to start collecting the number of deadlocks. Enabling DPA to Collect Deadlock Information The code below takes advantage of the system_health extended […]

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