Most Popular MySQL

The Importance of Performance Certainty

Uptime is assumed. Performance is the new black. You can’t hope for performance, you need to be certain of the performance of the system. You need to know what drives performance and how any changes to the system change (or could change) the performance profile. This is, in summary, what performance certainty means. It’s a new world, performance matters Not […]

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Removing Duplicate, Repeating or Unnecessary SQL Statements in MySQL Improves Performance

Eliminating overhead that adds unnecessary load to database servers when SQL statements are unnecessary can improve MySQL performance, including removing duplicate, repeating or unnecessary statements. Removing Duplicate SQL Statements Capture of all SQL statements for a given function or process will highlight any duplicate SQL statements that are executed to complete a specific request. The […]

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Tips to Improve MySQL Performance

Adding indexes can provide significant performance benefits. However, the most effective SQL optimization for a relational database is to eliminate the need to execute the SQL statement completely. For a highly tuned application, the greatest amount of time for the total execution of the statement is the network overhead. Removing SQL statements can reduce the […]

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Improving Performance with MySQL Index Columns

In addition to creating new indexes to improve performance, you can improve database performance with additional schema optimizations. These optimizations include using specific data types and/or column types. The benefit is a smaller disk footprint producing less disk I/O and results in more index data being packed in available system memory. Data Types Several data […]

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Optimizing MySQL Indexes

The management of indexes—how they are created and maintained—can impact the performance of SQL statements. Combining Your DDL An important management requirement when adding indexes to MySQL is the blocking nature of a DDL statement. Historically, the impact of an ALTER statement required that a new copy of the table be created. This could be […]

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What You Should Know About MySQL Replication Types

For companies that live and die by their databases, a one-shot backup isn’t really the perfect solution. Typically for such companies (think Yahoo! or Google), database access is a near-constant process, and database content changes continually, often on a second-by-second basis. Data replication, which involves continual data transfer between two (or more) servers to maintain a […]

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What You Should Know About MySQL Replication

Replication in MySQL is the dynamic process of synchronizing data between a primary (main) database server and one or more secondary (replica) database servers in near-real time. Using this process, it’s possible to create copies of one or more databases so that even if the primary server fails, data can still be recovered from one […]

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Tips for Restoring Data in a MySQL Database

Equally important as backing up data in a MySQL database is the ability to restore data. Most books on the subject emphasize the importance of backing up your data regularly (and rightly so), but restoring the data is an often-overlooked aspect of this process. Backed-up files are useless if they can’t be accessed. Accordingly, you should […]

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Tips for Backing Up MySQL Data

One essential task of any database administrator is to make sure the data is protected from loss. This is accomplished by regular backup and test restorations of your database. When disaster strikes (and it will, make no mistake about that), you will be better equipped to deal with it if you perform these backup and restore […]

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