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Node.js Logging Guide—Best Tips and Tools to Use

When applications experience performance issues, developers may rely on heuristics and find the root cause of issues by directly looking into their code. However, in modern application environments, several services, third-party APIs, and cloud-based components can make it difficult to pinpoint the root cause of an issue. Application logs can help developers detect and resolve […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Docker Logging Tool

Today, continuous development and continuous delivery have become the de facto mode of application development for businesses seeking higher agility. With the continuous push to achieve higher efficiency and reliability in running software operations, container technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos have become mainstream. Among these technologies, Docker is the most popular. Though Docker makes […]

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How to Extract Actionable Intelligence With C# Logging

When applications are deployed in the production environment, developers expect them to work smoothly without any performance issues. However, applications often experience unexpected bottlenecks, making it crucial to monitor applications. One of the simplest ways to monitor a C# application is to emit, save, and index log data for search, analysis, and troubleshooting. We’ll discuss […]

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5 Benefits of Cloud-Based Log Aggregation Tools

In the modern digital ecosystem, every user activity, system error, application transaction, and network packet movement can be tracked using logs. This level of visibility into systems, networks, and applications is useful for troubleshooting bottlenecks, analyzing past trends, and predicting future events. However, monitoring various cloud-based and on-premises resources becomes complex in the absence of […]

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5 Reasons You Should Start Analyzing Your Logs

In IT environments, all software applications and systems produce logs with varying levels of details or context about different events. These log files are automatically generated, and you can see them as a time-stamped record of events. Traditionally, organizations maintained logs locally or in a self-hosted setup. This was done primarily to meet various compliance […]

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Best Log Management Tools, and How to Select One for Your Organization

In modern digital environments, logs are present everywhere. From networking devices, servers, and databases, to operating systems, cloud-based services, and applications, every component produces some form of digital records of events. These records or logs provide an audit trail for Security Information Event Management (SIEM) and help in performance monitoring of servers and applications. However, […]

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Logging as a Service: Benefits of Centralizing Log Data

Today every organization has invested in the cloud for higher agility, scalability, computing performance, and more. With self-service portals offering easier provisioning, cloud-based services and platforms have reduced operational overheads on IT teams significantly. Further, with cloud, organizations can choose pay-as-you-go plans without making any heavy upfront investments, get full visibility into their spending, and […]

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How to Improve Your App Performance With Log Monitoring

Large scale web applications experience a huge amount of traffic daily. Many of these applications include multiple transactions and content elements. Further, most of these applications are frequently updated with new features. Ensuring the moving components and the underlying architecture supporting the web apps perform as expected is a complex task. Any slow loading element […]

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Best Tools to Improve Your Cloud Log Management

Today, centralized log management has become a common practice for supporting IT operations and mission-critical business applications. However, as IT environments evolve, log management practices also need to catch up. Today, most IT teams have migrated a significant portion of their operational workloads to the cloud, which has become the defacto platform for innovation and […]

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