SQL Server Latch Waits

on February 11, 2013

Some latches can come into contention with one another. This is intended and necessary as part of the need to serialize access. However, as with locking, this does raise the prospect of blocking, and consequently latch waiting.

A latch wait can be defined as a latch request that cannot be granted immediately. This could result from one of two reasons. First, the latch is already being accessed. As stated earlier, new latches are evaluated at the closure of the existing request. The second reason follows from the first. When the wait list is accessed following the closure of the previous latch, the next wait in that list may be a conflicting lock with other waits.

Unfortunately, there are side effects to keeping latches lightweight. They do not provide full blocking task information when forced to wait. Blocking task information is only known when the latch is held in one of the write latch modes — namely, UP, EX, and DT. Given that only one task can hold a latch in one of these modes at any one time, identifying it as the blocker is relatively straightforward. Suppose the blocker is a read latch (either KP or SH) — this latch could be held by many tasks simultaneously, so identifying the task that is the blocker is not always possible. When the blocker is known, all waiting tasks will report that the one task is the cause of the block. Logically, then, the wait type is that of the requester, not the blocker.

It is possible for this blocking information to change during a single task’s wait. Consider this example: A UP latch has been granted. Another task has requested a DT latch and therefore has been forced to wait. At this point the blocker is reported, as the latch held is a UP latch. By definition this can only be a single task. Before the UP latch has been released, a KP latch sneaks in and is granted (remember that KPs don’t respect the FIFO rules). The UP latch is then released, leaving the KP in place to do its thing. It can no longer be guaranteed that this KP is the only latch in play. The DT latch is still forced to wait because the KP is already there. However, now there is no serialized write latch mode in effect and the blocking information is lost. What can be said though at this point is that the blocker is either a KP latch or a SH latch.

It is also possible for a task to be shown to block itself in certain scenarios (although it is somewhat of an illusion, as the blocking is probably being done by internal threads that belong to the database engine rather than the actual task). This is due to the asynchronous nature of data access. Again, this is probably best illustrated with an example.

Consider this scenario: A read request is made to the Buffer Manager, but when the hash table is checked, it is found that the page doesn’t exist in memory. An I/O request is scheduled and a PAGIOLATCH_EX latch is taken (assume granted) on a BUF structure to allow the page to be read into the data page for the buffer. The task that initiated the request will then submit an SH latch to read the data. However, this can appear as being blocked by the EX latch if there is a lag retrieving the page from disk.

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