Expert Tips for Configuring SQL Server for SSDs and Virtual Machines

By Staff Contributor on March 26, 2015

A recent Information Week’s 2014 State of Enterprise Storage Survey indicates that 40% of respondents were using SSDs in disk arrays and about 39% deployed SSDs in servers, which is about 8-10 points up from the previous year. These figures clearly highlight that SSD adoption is increasing.

We brought together a group of expert DBAs, geeks and IT/System administrators to share some tips on configuring SSDs and storage for enhanced SQL Server performance. They joined hosts SQL Server MVP and SolarWinds Head Geek Thomas LaRock (@SQLRockstar) and Joseph D’Antoni, (@jdanton), SQL Server MVP and Senior Architect at Denny Cherry & Associates. We posed some key questions to the participants on the topic and here are some key takeaways from the conversation (you can read the full chat transcript at the end of this article).

Tip: Cost is the number one factor driving increased SSD adoption rates

Datachat participants were unanimous in stating that reduced cost was the primary reason driving increased adoption rates for SSDs. Increased demand for virtualization has invariably led to increase in demand for SSDs.  The other reasons for adopting SSDs are: lower mean failure rate than spinning media and lack of developers to tune virtualized environments.

Tip: It’s a myth that SSDs solve all performance problems

Because of the decreasing costs for SSD storage, it’s not uncommon to attempt to solve performance issues by adding SSD storage. But, as @SQLRockStar lamented, “Disk is rarely the problem: Its often bad code/design, or bad disk configuration.” New hardware such as SSDs drives only solve problems caused by disk. Joseph D Antoni also noted:

But, most agreed that SSDs do not offer a solution for many common problems such as:

  • SAN problems
  • Bad application
  • Hypervisor paging
  • Bad code and design
  • PEBKAC issue

Tip: CPU over allocation is a key performance metric for troubleshooting VMware

If you’re trying to troubleshoot performance of SQL Server on VMware, the key metric is the number of CPUs. Over-allocation of CPUs is bad. For SQL Server, it’s fair to look at all the same metrics that you would on physical servers. If you do not get your answers from this analysis, then it’s time to analyze the host. Some other metrics that help with troubleshooting include:

  • VM CPU ready time
  • SQL Server wait events
  • Activities in vCenter/SCVMM

Tip:  Common challenges with SSDs: include index rebuilds and sequential writes

Common complaints with  SSDs are that they aren’t good at index rebuilds and sequential writes. These are some unique challenges that are faced by tiered SANs. An improper DR (disaster recovery) plan can only add to your woes.

Full datachat transcript

solarwinds Q1: SSDs are not new tech, but becoming more popular. What factors are driving adoption rates? #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q1: SSDs are not new tech, but becoming more popular. What factors are driving adoption rates? #datachat
jdanton @solarwinds A1: Cost have gotten a lot cheaper. I was looking at an old deck that had some pricing. And it’s huge. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A1: Costs, mostly. But there is also the belief that that hardware is more durable than it was previously. #datachat
jdanton @solarwinds A1: Also, virtualization tends to increase demands on a storage subsystem, and SSDs can help with that. #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar @solarwinds It’s interesting–based on data I’ve seen, SSDs have a lower mean failure rate than spinning media 1/2 #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar @solarwinds but perception is still there that it’s an issue. #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds @SQLRockstar A1 IMOO cost would be number 1 factor. Lack of developers to tune environments could be another factor #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A1: Also, at this point, there is a lot of material on best practices for SSD usage and deployment. #datachat
DBABullDog RT @jdanton: @SQLRockstar @solarwinds It’s interesting–based on data I’ve seen, SSDs have a lower mean failure rate than spinning media 1/…
SQLRockstar RT @DBABullDog: @solarwinds @SQLRockstar A1 IMOO cost would be number 1 factor. Lack of developers to tune environments could be another fa…
solarwinds RT @jdanton: @SQLRockstar It’s interesting–based on data I’ve seen, SSDs have a lower mean failure rate than spinning media 1/2 #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton Yeah, the perception of high failure is still there, I think. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: @SQLRockstar @solarwinds It’s interesting–based on data I’ve seen, SSDs have a lower mean failure rate than spinning media 1/…
solarwinds @DBABullDog Welcome back Daniel! #datachat
solarwinds Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar The vendors have done a really good job writing firmware to do write balancing. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat
jdanton @solarwinds A2: 1) They fail frequently 2) They have to cost a ton of money 3) They cure all ills. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A2: That SSDs will solve all your performance problems. #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds glad to be here #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar @solarwinds But the SAN vendor sold me these magic beans with my SSDs. #datachat
DBABullDog RT @SQLRockstar: .@solarwinds A2: That SSDs will solve all your performance problems. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds I rarely see disk as the bottleneck, it’s often bad code/design, or bad disk configurations. #datachat
solarwinds RT @SQLRockstar: .@solarwinds I rarely see disk as the bottleneck, it’s often bad code/design, or bad disk configurations. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A2: In many ways. SSDs represent “throw hardware at the problem” which only works if you know disk is the issue. #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds I see a lot of storage bottlenecks. SSDs help with that  lot. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: @SQLRockstar @solarwinds But the SAN vendor sold me these magic beans with my SSDs. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds My SAN vendor bought me sushi once. No magic beans though. Now I feel I got screwed. #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds It’s hard to tune a system where tempdb has 600ms write latency. #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds @SQLRockstar A2 that Best application and database practices can be ignored and thrown out the window #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds Yep, when storage is the issue, SSDs can help. Agreed. #datachat
solarwinds RT @josh_odgers: @jdanton @SQLRockstar SSDs in the wrong location can make no difference. Keep perf teir close to the app. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds Chances are the disk itself isn’t the reason for 600ms latency. #datachat
jdanton .@josh_odgers @SQLRockstar @solarwinds Good point–they are best treated as a limited valuable resource in any infra arch. #datachat
datachick RT @solarwinds: Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat That their failure behaviours are same as spinny ones.
jdanton @AirborneGeek @SQLRockstar @solarwinds I see locking, but yeah, storage is my most common. And it’s a mix. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat That their failure behaviours are same as …
solarwinds RT @AirborneGeek  As long as people haven’t done something dumb (like a 2-vCPU VM), disk is almost always the bottleneck, IME #datachat
solarwinds RT @jdanton: @AirborneGeek @SQLRockstar @solarwinds I see locking, but yeah, storage is my most common. And it’s a mix. #datachat
josh_odgers @solarwinds Adding SSD shelves behind a saturated central storage controller or storage area network wont help. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@AirborneGeek @solarwinds I suppose it depends on the system, and if we are talking OLTP vs OLAP expectations. #datachat
jdanton .@josh_odgers @solarwinds Great point–SAN configuration doesn’t get a lot of press, but it’s key for good perf. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@AirborneGeek @solarwinds But IME a few code changes can make a huge improvement, quickly. #datachat
josh_odgers @solarwinds If the NIC/HBA/Queue depths is the point of contention, an All flash array is not going to solve your problem. #datachat
jdanton .@josh_odgers @solarwinds A fairly common approach in database servers is to use PCI SSD for temp space, which is highly random. #datachat
solarwinds RT @josh_odgers: @solarwinds If the NIC/HBA/Queue depths is the point of contention, an All flash array is not going to solve your problem.…
solarwinds RT @jdanton: .@josh_odgers @solarwinds A fairly common approach in database servers is to use PCI SSD for temp space, which is highly rando…
solarwinds Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat
SQLRockstar .@ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds The trick is to only read the page into the buffer once. That’s the real issue. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds SSDs are often just a band-aid to cover up design issues that won’t allow an app to scale. #datachat
jdanton .@josh_odgers @solarwinds Getting data from all of those systems (SAN,Server and DB) in one view is a challenge. #datachat
josh_odgers @jdanton @solarwinds local SSD shared logically across compute nodes in software (e.g.: #Nutanix) allows the best of both worlds. #datachat
ThugMetricsNews RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat That their failure behaviours are same as …
AirborneGeek .@SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @solarwinds Well, sure, if you have more RAM than God. #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds Or to provide IOPs without a ton of spindles that spinning media would require. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @AirborneGeek: .@SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @solarwinds Well, sure, if you have more RAM than God. #datachat
jdanton .@AirborneGeek @SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @solarwinds I spec’ed a server last month with 792 GB of RAM. It was only $22k. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@AirborneGeek @ToddKlindt @solarwinds I don’t need more RAM than God, just more RAM that the database size. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: @SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds Or to provide IOPs without a ton of spindles that spinning media would requ…
DBABullDog RT @jdanton: .@AirborneGeek @SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @solarwinds I spec’ed a server last month with 792 GB of RAM. It was only $22k. #datac…
_Desdemona_ RT @solarwinds: Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds Fair point. But I like spindles. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat
jdanton .@solarwinds A3: In terms of SQL Server, I initially look at the same things I look at on physical. But I also look at  1/2 #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A3: VM CPU Ready Time is my favorite, followed by SQL Server wait events. #datachat
solarwinds Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat .
jdanton .@solarwinds A3:  the number of CPUs (vCPU overallocation is bad). Also, want to look at other activites in vCenter/SCVMM. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@ToddKlindt @AirborneGeek @solarwinds You know you can just use O365 instead, right? #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat .
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds A3: Oh yes, over-allocation is also something I look at right away. #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds @SQLRockstar most cases I take the same approach as with physical. If answers are not provided start looking at host #datachat
jdanton .@DBABullDog  @SQLRockstar I had one case where PLE suddenly dropped dramatically. The memory wasn’t reserved and VMW took it. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog Lemme guess, no LPIM set? Min memory not set? #datachat
datachick RT @solarwinds: Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat . < Cries from users.
SQLRockstar RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q3: What are the key performance metrics you look at when troubleshooting VMs and why? #datachat . < Cries f…
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog LPIM is a different story. I don’t always recommend it. cc @mrdenny  #datachat
SQLRockstar .@datachick @solarwinds Cries from users? I once thought about sending shocks to user keyboards. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog LPIM is a different story. I don’t always recommend it. cc @mrdenny  #datachat
datachick RT @AirborneGeek: .@SQLRockstar @ToddKlindt @solarwinds Well, sure, if you have more RAM than God. #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog Reserving at the hypervisor, is what I usually recommend.  #datachat LPIM can have some bad OS impacts.
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny I used to recommend LPIM on VMW until recently I was persuaded to change my mind slightly. #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog @mrdenny Also, never set min/max memory to the same value. #datachat
DBABullDog RT @SQLRockstar: .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny I used to recommend LPIM on VMW until recently I was persuaded to change my mind slightly. …
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny Ah, there are two cases where you *might* want min=max. One case is multi-instance. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny I forget the other case…more scotch might jog my memory. #datachat
jdanton @SQLRockstar @DBABullDog @mrdenny There is this though. #datachat
solarwinds Q4: Do SSDs and flash arrays solve everything? #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog @mrdenny Multi-instance is usually better addressed with startup triggers, or something. #datachat
jdanton .@solarwinds A4: If everything is taking a lot of money out of you account, yes. They are really good at a lot of things. 1/2 #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny Yeah, that’s one of the BOL entries I asked to be updated to not say min=max. #datachat
josh_odgers “@solarwinds: Q4: Do SSDs and flash arrays solve everything? #datachat” < Not without solid supporting infrastructure and app architecture
jdanton .@solarwinds A4:They stil have SAN problems like mentioned earlier (controller overload etc),but they offer excellent performance. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny There’s also the fact that SQL Server “paging” is not the same as Windows O/S paging. #datachat
SQLHA @solarwinds SSD/Flash is not magic. It can help, but not in all cases and will not solve issues of bad app. ONly mask longer. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny Saw a great talk by @bobwardms at #sqlbits last week, he talked about LPIM, min = max, paging, etc. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q4: Do SSDs and flash arrays solve everything? #datachat
solarwinds RT @SQLHA: @solarwinds SSD/Flash is not magic. It can help, but not in all cases and will not solve issues of bad app. ONly mask longer. #d…
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @DBABullDog @mrdenny Right, but it can lead to hypervisor paging, which is REALLY bad for performance. #datachat
solarwinds RT @jdanton: .@solarwinds A4:They stil have SAN problems like mentioned earlier (controller overload etc),but they offer excellent performa…
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A4: No, they don’t solve bad code and design, nor do they solve the PEBKAC issue. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @SQLHA: @solarwinds SSD/Flash is not magic. It can help, but not in all cases and will not solve issues of bad app. ONly mask longer. #d…
SQLHA @jdanton @SQLRockstar @DBABullDog @mrdenny Which is why you monitor at hypervisor and in guest to get whole picture. #datachat
jdanton .@solarwinds A4: Another intestesting thing is that many all flash arrays have compression. It tends to work with DB compression. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@SQLHA @jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny Exactly! You need the WHOLE picture, not just one piece. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@solarwinds A4: Another intestesting thing is that many all flash arrays have compression. It tends to work with DB compressi…
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds Oh? You can double-compress? #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds The algos on the array sides are pretty light. I talked to a colleague at a major vendor and he 1/2 #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds  cases I have observed something like this is short term gains. Eventually high performance apps outgrow HW gains. #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds did some extensive testing, and at worst case, there were no compression. But it never got bigger. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @DBABullDog: @solarwinds  cases I have observed something like this is short term gains. Eventually high performance apps outgrow HW gai…
DBABullDog RT @SQLRockstar: .@SQLHA @jdanton @DBABullDog @mrdenny Exactly! You need the WHOLE picture, not just one piece. #datachat
solarwinds Q5: What are some of the challenges you have when working with SSDs? #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q5: What are some of the challenges you have when working with SSDs? #datachat
josh_odgers “@solarwinds: Q4: Do SSDs and flash arrays solve everything? #datachat” < Adding SSD/AFA can simply highlight the next bottleneck ie CPU/Ram
jdanton .@solarwinds Not SSDs per se, but tiered SANs (which include SSDs) offer some unique challenges. #datachat
jdanton .@josh_odgers @solarwinds Or drive more CPU use just from throughput. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A5: Getting people to understand that HA <> DR. Without a proper DR plan, if the SSD array fails, you are in trouble. #datachat
josh_odgers “@jdanton: .@josh_odgers @solarwinds Or drive more CPU use just from throughput. #datachat” < Yes! remove disk bottleneck & cpu can increase
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A5: Why buy one SSD when you can buy two at double the price? #datachat
jdanton .@solarwinds A5: Other challenge is convincing clients that it’s not the answer to all problems. #datachat
DBABullDog @solarwinds @SQLRockstar A5 having all parties involved learn about the technology being implemented. In this case SSDs. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @josh_odgers: “@solarwinds: Q4: Do SSDs and flash arrays solve everything? #datachat” < Adding SSD/AFA can simply highlight the next bot…
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds Wait, SSDs need RAID? #datachat
DBABullDog RT @SQLRockstar: .@solarwinds A5: Getting people to understand that HA <> DR. Without a proper DR plan, if the SSD array fails, you are in …
AirborneGeek RT @jdanton: .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds Wait, SSDs need RAID? #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds Not if the array has it already, likely software defined. But still, you need a DR plan. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @solarwinds And RAID is not enough to satisfy a proper DR plan. Not if I’m involved. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@solarwinds A5: Other challenge is convincing clients that it’s not the answer to all problems. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @DBABullDog: @solarwinds @SQLRockstar A5 having all parties involved learn about the technology being implemented. In this case SSDs. #d…
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds Yeah, I agree completely–a good example would be an Availability Group where you had SSD on Primary 1/2 #datachat
josh_odgers “@solarwinds: Q2: What’s the number one mythunderstanding about SSDs? #datachat” < Adding performance without data services can reduce value
rajesh_dangi RT @solarwinds: Q5: What are some of the challenges you have when working with SSDs? #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds and spinning on secondary–index rebuilds won’t go so well there. #datachat
josh_odgers “@solarwinds: Q5: What are some of the challenges you have when working with SSDs? #datachat” < Client perception it will solve all problems
solarwinds RT @jdanton: .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds and spinning on secondary–index rebuilds won’t go so well there. #datachat
solarwinds RT @jdanton: .@SQLRockstar @solarwinds Yeah, I agree completely–a good example would be an Availability Group where you had SSD on Primary…
jdanton .@sqlha Brings up a good point–SSDs aren’t really good at sequential writes. Unless firmware fixes that. #datachat
DBABullDog RT @jdanton: .@sqlha Brings up a good point–SSDs aren’t really good at sequential writes. Unless firmware fixes that. #datachat
jdanton Most of the major SAN vendors have great firmware to make sequential write random, but something to think about. #datachat
vcdxnz001 RT @SQLRockstar: .@solarwinds A5: Why buy one SSD when you can buy two at double the price? #datachat
SQLHA @jdanton And which slot, say, you put an FIO card into matters, too. Not all slots are the same speed. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@jdanton @sqlha I don’t think SSDs would ever want sequential writes, nor should they be needed? #datachat
solarwinds Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat
jdanton .@SQLRockstar @sqlha Well in an all flash array. And the IOPs still scale. The writes effectively become random with firmware. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat
jdanton .@solarwinds A6: Stretch Armstrong–the hypervisor has to cover a lot of ground. #datachat
AirborneGeek .@solarwinds Which one holds up the entire world? #datachat
datachick RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Darth Data.  She’s the best.
SQLRockstar RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Darth Data.  She’s the be…
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@solarwinds A6: Stretch Armstrong–the hypervisor has to cover a lot of ground. #datachat
YvesMulkers RT @SQLRockstar: .@solarwinds A5: Why buy one SSD when you can buy two at double the price? #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@SQLRockstar @sqlha Well in an all flash array. And the IOPs still scale. The writes effectively become random with firmware.…
solarwinds RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Darth Data.  She’s the be…
jdanton .@datachick @solarwinds Yes, but what was her super power? #datachat
josh_odgers @solarwinds storage controllers also need to be scaled to support more SSD. #Scaleout #datachat
datachick RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Prof. Charles Xavier.
jdanton .@josh_odgers @solarwinds Most vendors I’ve worked with do a good job with that. Are you seeing issues with a particular config? #datachat
SQLRockstar .@solarwinds A6: Charlie Townsend, he controls it all but you never see him and only speak with him through a dedicated interface. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @jdanton: .@datachick @solarwinds Yes, but what was her super power? #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Prof. Charles Xavier.
DBABullDog RT @datachick: RT @solarwinds: Q6: If the hypervisor were a superhero, which one would it be and why? #datachat < Darth Data.  She’s the be…
SQLHA @solarwinds Batman. Has to be the smartest guy in the room and handle every situation. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @SQLHA: @solarwinds Batman. Has to be the smartest guy in the room and handle every situation. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@SQLHA @solarwinds Same could be said for Tony Stark. #datachat
SQLHA @SQLRockstar @solarwinds Marvel vs. DC. DC wins. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @SQLHA: @SQLRockstar @solarwinds Marvel vs. DC. DC wins. #datachat
SQLRockstar .@SQLHA @solarwinds DC wins? Because Superman? #datachat
SQLHA @SQLRockstar @solarwinds And the hypervisor is supposed to be more invisible. Tony Stark is a showoff .Batman is stealthy. #datachat
jdanton An aside from tonights #datachat, but I’d like to raise a glass to @gigaom, we’ll miss you.
SQLRockstar .@datachick @solarwinds Wha? Dude in a wheelchair running a school for rejects? That’s not like a hypervisor, not at all. #datachat
solarwinds Q7: And, if you were the Academy, would the Oscar go to Hyper-V or VMWare?​​ #datachat
DBABullDog @SQLHA @SQLRockstar @solarwinds I always get the feeling the hypervisor is showing off. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @SQLHA: @SQLRockstar @solarwinds And the hypervisor is supposed to be more invisible. Tony Stark is a showoff .Batman is stealthy. #data…
AirborneGeek .@solarwinds A6. wait. Going about this all wrong. Jean Luc Picard is a superhero, right?Because, obviously #datachat
DBABullDog RT @jdanton: An aside from tonights #datachat, but I’d like to raise a glass to @gigaom, we’ll miss you.
SQLRockstar RT @DBABullDog: @SQLHA @SQLRockstar @solarwinds I always get the feeling the hypervisor is showing off. #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @AirborneGeek: .@solarwinds A6. wait. Going about this all wrong. Jean Luc Picard is a superhero, right?Because, obviously #datachat
SQLRockstar RT @solarwinds: Q7: And, if you were the Academy, would the Oscar go to Hyper-V or VMWare?​​ #datachat
SQLHA @solarwinds Neither if we’re being honest. They’re more similar than different. #datachat
DataDefiner Darth Data is my father.

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