About SQL Server Parallel Processing of Tasks

on September 11, 2013

The Database Engine can execute different database tasks in parallel. The following tasks can be parallelized:

  •     Bulk load
  •     Backup
  •     Query execution
  •     Indices

The Database Engine allows data to be loaded in parallel using the bcp utility. (For the description of the bcp utility, see the next section.) The table into which the data is loaded must not have any indices, and the load operation must not be logged. (Only applications using the ODBC or OLE DB-based APIs can perform parallel data loads into a single table.)

The Database Engine can back up databases or transaction logs to multiple devices (tape or disk) using parallel striped backup. In this case, database pages are read by multiple threads one extent at a time (see also Chapter 16).

The Database Engine provides parallel queries to enhance the query execution. With this feature, the independent parts of a SELECT statement can be executed using several native threads on a computer. Each query that is planned for the parallel execution contains an exchange operator in its query execution plan. (An exchange operator is an operator in a query execution plan that provides process management, data redistribution, and flow control.) For such a query, the database system generates a parallel query execution plan. Parallel queries significantly improve the performance of the SELECT statements that process very large amounts of data.

On computers with multiple processors, the Database Engine automatically uses more processors to perform index operations, such as creation and rebuilding of an index. The number of processors employed to execute a single index statement is determined by the configuration option max degree of parallelism as well as the current workload. If the database system detects that the system is busy, the degree of parallelism is automatically reduced before the statement is executed.


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