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Managed File Transfer – Your Answer to Digital Clutter

Managed File Transfer – Your Answer to Digital Clutter Before the digital revolution, paperwork blanketed the business world, kept in filing cabinet after filing cabinet. Today, however, we write, read, and sign documents on our devices, and then use the internet to store and transfer them. Although our desks may be less cluttered with paper, […]

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Asset Data: The More Detail, the Better

Your IT department manages the inventory tracking details of all of your company’s IT assets, including hardware and software. Although most organizations are aware of the need for IT assets management (ITAM), many continue to put off investing in and adopting ITAM tools. Using ITAM tools, especially in conjunction with help desk ticketing software, allows […]

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How to Demonstrate the Value of IT Asset Management

The pace of technological change is speeding up and expanding to businesses of all sizes in every industry. As your company grows, so too will your tech inventory. There are a wide variety of forces that lead organizations to acquire new technology, including a desire for increased efficiency, to support expansion, or to comply with […]

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Centralized Active Directory Management and Clean-Up

Do you regularly clean up your Active Directory® (AD)? Have you set a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule, or do you wait until you receive a change request? If you neglect AD cleanup and maintenance, your environment will get cluttered and increasingly difficult to navigate. Accounts become inactive for a variety of reasons, such as […]

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