Most Popular Performance Tuning

Using an Oracle Database Link for Remote Updates

The database link syntax for remote updates is the same as that for remote queries. Append the name of the database link to the name of the table being updated. For example, to change the RATING values for books in a remote BOOKSHELF table, you would execute the UPDATE command shown in the following listing: […]

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Removing Duplicate, Repeating or Unnecessary SQL Statements in MySQL Improves Performance

Eliminating overhead that adds unnecessary load to database servers when SQL statements are unnecessary can improve MySQL performance, including removing duplicate, repeating or unnecessary statements. Removing Duplicate SQL Statements Capture of all SQL statements for a given function or process will highlight any duplicate SQL statements that are executed to complete a specific request. The […]

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Tips to Improve MySQL Performance

Adding indexes can provide significant performance benefits. However, the most effective SQL optimization for a relational database is to eliminate the need to execute the SQL statement completely. For a highly tuned application, the greatest amount of time for the total execution of the statement is the network overhead. Removing SQL statements can reduce the […]

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Optimize MySQL Transaction Performance: Avoiding Deadlocks

In Part 1 of this article series on optimizing transactional performance of MySQL databases, we explored the importance of keeping transactions small, and in part 2, we discussed selecting appropriate isolation levels. No discussion of transactional performance is complete without a brief look at deadlocks. If you’re familiar with OS programming, you might already know […]

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Performance Tuning for MySQL with Indexes

A surprising number of people in online forums request information about slow queries without having tried to add an index to a frequently accessed field. As you know from Chapter 3, tables with fields that are accessed frequently can be ordered by creating an index. An index points to the place on a database where […]

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